My birthday was a few weeks ago and I never ask for presents, except for this one time. I told my wife that I did not want her to buy my gift by herself - rather get people like my daughters or whoever else to chip in to get me a camera I really wanted. I had spent sometime combing through ebay and found a Fuji rangefinder, GW 690 (6 x 9 neg) in near perfect condition, considering that it was about 20 years old. After watching quite a number of youtube videos about the camera and the different generations I selected the first model put out. My wife was happy because she didn't have to try and figure out what to buy me this time. I gave her the ebay link and hoped for the best, that the camera would still be available. I didn't look back. Lo and behold a week later on my birthday, I got a nicely wrapped box and when I opened it, although a little anticlimactic, I ripped the bubble off of this very heavy, huge, totally manual, no battery or meter, used but nearly brand new - with the film counter on the bottom showing the number 189, camera which has become a member of the family. 8 pictures per roll - and I was happy. What a gift! It was only $600 and change. Surprising, I know. The next step was to make sure it was working properly, so I took it out two days later, shot one roll with it and rushed home after work to develop the film. The camera surpassed my expectations as my pictures were sharp as hell. By the way, it has a fixed lens. I didn't think about that too much, as I have three lenses for my Mamiya 7 and rarely swap out the 80mm. Here is one of the first pictures I took along with a selfie holding the camera

. Thanks for reading...
What a wonderful gift! And Happy belated Birthday. Happy Hunting for more of your captivating images with your new camera.