I long wanted to do a portrait emulating a portrait by PreRaphaelite painter Dante Gabriel Rossetti, whose work I love. I needed a model with white skin and long Venitain reddish blond and curly hair, a rare thing! I placed an ad in the local paper as I knew no one like that. This exceptionally beautiful woman showed up at my door. She was perfect and was the only one to show up. Surpringly she was a stripclub pole dancer. But she submitted most willingly to my transformations, probably never knowing about Rossetti. I did show her the image I wanted to recreate. She was a most patient model as light, pose, clothing had to be somewhat replicating the original as closely as possible.. I thought her beauty stunning but did not have the indiscretion to inquire how she turned into a pole dancer... with such beauty at her dis[posal! The finished image took an inordinate amount of time composting the furniture accessories, flowers! To refine it more would take many more hours no doubt. But here it is as best as can be for now.

Thank you for your comment. I cannot put my finger on what it is that is missing for me but no it is not that she is not looking in the mirror
I remember from yesterday's discussion on your composition that there was something 'missing' or, 'out of sync.' Could it be that your model, while holding a mirror, she isn't looking at it. For me her gaze is off in the distance, above the brush. It doesn't seem natural.