As I roam the streets of New York on bike or on foot, I run into so many interesting people that I photograph with my medium format film camera, the Mamiya 7. I shoot my subjects exclusively with black and white film. What I am posting here are the quick photos I take with my cell phone to know who they are once I develop the film - as the cell phone picture is the one I send to them on the spot in a text or email and capture their information linked to the photgraph. Saves a lot of writing. This is actually the first time I show any of the photographs of these peoplein color. I am starting to thinkk that I may want to shift gears and shoot more in color. Last week I developed my 1000th roll of black and white film that I've shot over the span of four years. I am still hesitant to switch - we'll see.

Alfred using his cell phone??? Yahoo! Fun, huh? These are amazing!