Here is a recent suggestion sent to us by an Interactive Coaching Center Member : "Hello, Thank you for this great opportunity to be mentored by an amazing artist and crew. I'd like to suggest an assignment of Selfies, Self Portraits. Or, it could be topic for a discussion too. Many great artists photograp and paint themselves. It fascinate me. Some of my favorite photos was a series of self portrait of my Paulo Coelho tattoo. I'd like to share it and other examples. I also have many photos of people taking selfies, which I'd like to develop somehow. Anyway, thanks again for adding me, and I look forward to this journey, Have a nice day, Marit"
We are looking for more suggestions like this!
Below: Selfie by George Harrison at the Taj Mahal, 1966.
We're preparing an Assignment based on this suggestion, in the meantime post a comment with your own self-portrait/selfie that beats George's (his music was better than his photoraphy).