For this second round with the inspiration theme, I chose a set of images as part of my "Paint Splatters" body of work which was inspired by the painter Jackson Pollock. It all started with my first class of beginning painting. I arrived early and no one was around. I noticed the paint splatters on the tables and floor and took photos with my iphone until the other students arrived. At home, I started collaging the photos into compositions that were pleasing to me. Later, I photographed the same surfaces with my DSLR.
At a later date, when I visited the Wynwood neighborhood in Miami, Florida, I observed the splattering of paint from the murals that had been painted there for the Miami Basel Art Fair. I remembered what I had done in the painting classsroom andI photographed the paint splatters that I found on the sidewalk. Then I combined the photos in post-production. These are some of the images that I made.

I love these little vignettes of paint drops. Little things that so many of us overlook as we search for the "big scene" missing the not so obvious. Good eye!