I'm suddenly finding myself drawn to bridges. Perhaps it's my proximity to one in particular but it might be that my former NYC eyes, still need a constant subject that reminds me of the city. On Valentine's Day 2024, I was mostly interested in snow scenes, something that I felt bereft of when I lived in Manhattan for 35 years. Yes, there were many beautiful and sometimes profound photos of snowstorms in the city, but they were rare and the abundance of those flakes on the ground, did not survive for long. So I used to dream about those gorgeous rural landscapes where the ground was coated several inches and sometimes feet high. Two years ago, I landed in the sort of suburbs, Fort Lee, NJ. I bought a vehicle to replace my bicycle as primary transportation. I use that car for the typical errands and getting around but what it provides me, is the ability to treat my eyes to new sites and sights, where I can continue to create images that are new and refreshing and although it's not the country, there are those photo opportunites for landscape, bridge and snow, separately or all at once...