When I studied with Jay Maisel he said to always carry your camera with you. With an iPhone handy, it's easy to do. I was at the local car wash inside my car and captured the brushes and suds against my windshield. If I hadn't told you, would you have guessed?
Love it! It's nice to always have an Iphone to fall back on and this one is art! For me at this time, I rely more on a compact camera as an everyday tool which affords me more options. Otherwise I cut my gear weight in half with the mirrorless Fuji X series cameras and lenses which I use on jobs. I know you are not one of these, but I feel like the comittment to photography and respecting the craft and the history and the blood, sweat and tears that professionals and artists have endured for so long, is cheapened by using the phone as one's sole instrument. But in a pinch it's definitely extremely valuable!
Probably not, I'd think it was a modern art painting on canvas